Help: RDRS Registration Module Field Descriptions

DBA Name (Organization/Site)
  • The doing business as (dba) trade name or operating name different from the registered, legal name of your organization/site.
Effective Date (Organization/Site)
  • The date an approved request to close or open an organization/site went into effect.
Operator Company Name
  • The operator company name for your organization/site.
Organization/Site Name
  • The unique identification name for the specific site/location if you are a facility such as a disposal facility, transfer processor, recycling facility or compost facility. If you are an organization such as a hauler, broker or transporter, enter the unique name for you operation. The organization/site name is the unique name for that location or organization and all activities that operate and report on that site.
Organization/Site Review Status (Organization/Site Status history table)
  • Shows whether CalRecycle has approved or denied an organization/site request to close an organization/site. Review statuses include ‘approved, ‘denied’, ‘pending’ and ‘no review required’. An organization/site that is approved for a request to close their site will have their organization set to ‘closed’. An organization/site that is denied a request to close their site will continue to have an open status and can contact CalRecycle at for more information on why their request was denied. An organization/site request to change their status from ‘closed’ back to ‘open’ does not require a staff review. Requests to change an organization/site back to open are effective immediately and will have a review status of ‘no review required’. Please make sure to review your existing reporting entities and set them from inactive to active when reopening an organization/site.
Organization/Site Status
  • A status of ‘open’ indicates that the organization/site is registered as active in the RDRS system. A status of ‘closed’ means the organization/site is no longer active and all reporting entity activities for the organization/site are inactive and not required to report in RDRS.
  • Select the ‘Request Closed Status’ button when your organization/site has closed and you’d like to request your organization/site be set to closed in RDRS.CalRecycle has 60 days to respond to a request to close an organization/site per AB 901 regulations.Select the ‘Set Open Status’ button if you want to set a closed organization/site back to open.Please make sure to review your existing reporting entity activities and set them from inactive to active when reopening an organization/site.
Parent Company
  • The parent company that oversees your organization or site.
Reporting Entity Activity
DBA name (Reporting Entity Activity)
  • The doing business as (dba) trade name or operating name different from the registered legal name for a reporting entity activity.
Dependent Activity Name
  • Name used to identify your dependent reporting entity activity. If you are a permitted facility in the Solid Waste Information System (SWIS), please use the name listed on your SWIS permit for this activity. If you are not a permitted facility, please use the legal name used to identify your reporting entity activity.
Dependent On
  • Shows who the current reporting entity activity is dependent on for reporting their quarterly information. Assembly Bill 901 regulations allows recycling facilities and/or composting facilities to have other registered reporting entity activities with an RDRS # report for them if they have the same operator and the activities are all on the same site. If blank, the registered reporting entity activity is the lead and is responsible for reporting their own data.
Effective Date (Reporting Entity)
  • The date an approved change to a reporting entity activity registration or reporting status went into effect.
  • An ID # issued by the Environmental Protection Agency to facilities and reporting entities for permits or other environmental reporting requirements. If your reporting entity activity has an EPA ID # enter it here. The field is optional.
Exemption Notes
  • Use the exemption notes field to describe the reasons your reporting entity activity is exempt from reporting. Add specific details of why your reporting entity activity is exempt from reporting. CalRecycle will review the information and determine if your reporting entity activity is exempt from reporting.
Exemption Reason
  • If an organization/site requests an ‘exempt’ status for a reporting entity activity, select one of the listed exemption reasons why the reporting entity activity is exempt from reporting. If the listed reasons do not apply to your exemption, select ‘Other’ and enter the reason for the exemption in the ‘Exemption Notes’ field.
  • The number assigned to a reporting entity activity upon registration with the Department’s electronic Recycling and Disposal Reporting System. An organization/site with recycling or composting facility activities located on the same site as another landfill, transfer/processor, or recycling facility can have the reporting entity with the RDRS ID # report for the recycling or composting facility. See Section 18815.9(h) of the AB 901 regulations for more information on reporting for activities on the same site.
Registration Status
  • Shows the registration status of a reporting entity activity in RDRS. ‘Active’ means a reporting entity activity is an active entity that is registered in RDRS. ‘Inactive’ mean a reporting entity activity is closed and or is no longer an active entity in RDRS due to the entity not operating. Reporting entities who have ceased operation must request that the Department deactivate their reporting entity activity registration.
  • Select the ‘Request Inactive Registration Status’ button to request a reporting entity activity be set to ‘inactive’. CalRecycle has 60 days to respond to a request to set a reporting entity activity to ‘inactive’ per AB 901 regulations. A reporting entity that wishes to change an ‘inactive’ reporting entity activity status back to ‘active’ does not require a staff review. Select the ‘Set Active Registration Status’ button to set the reporting entity registration status back to ‘active’. For more information on requesting an inactive status for a reporting entity activity, see Section 18815.3 (h) of the AB 901 regulations.
Reporting Entity Activity
  • A reporting entity as described in Assembly Bill 901 regulations is an entity that engages in reportable activities. A “reporting entity” is required to report on material handling reporting entity activities pursuant to section 18815.4 through section 18815.8 of this article. Reporting entity activities include the following categories: haulers, transfer/processors, recycling and composting facilities and operations, disposal facilities (landfills, transformation facilities, engineered municipal solid waste conversion facilities and other disposal), and brokers and transporters. When registering, select one of these reporting entity activities related to how your reporting entity is required to report in RDRS.
Reporting Entity Activity Name
  • Name used to identify your reporting entity activity. If you are a permitted facility in the Solid Waste Information System (SWIS), please use the name listed on your SWIS permit for this activity. If you are not a permitted facility, please use the legal name used to identify your reporting entity activity.
Reporting Lead
  • If ‘Yes’ means the registered reporting entity activity is the reporting lead and is responsible for reporting for its activity and any other reporting entity activities that are registered as dependent on this activity. If ‘No’ the registered reporting entity activity is not the reporting lead and another reporting entity activity reports for them each quarter. The ‘Dependent On’ column shows who the activity is dependent on for reporting their quarterly information.
Reporting Status
  • Status showing whether a registered RDRS reporting entity activity has to report each quarter. ‘Required’ means a reporting entity activity is required to report each quarter per AB 901 regulation requirements. ‘Exempt’ means the reporting entity activity is exempt from reporting due to an approved reason. Reporting entities whose activities have permanently changed such that they no longer meet the reporting requirements under AB 901 must notify the Department and request that their reporting entity activity be exempt from reporting. For more information on exempt reporting entities, see Section 18815.3 of the AB 901 regulations.
  • Select the ‘Request exemption’ button to request a reporting entity activity be exempt. CalRecycle has 60 days to respond to a request for exemption per AB 901 regulations. A reporting entity that wishes to change the reporting status of a reporting entity activity from ‘exempt’ back to ‘required’ does not require a review. Select the ‘Set Required Reporting Status’ button to set the reporting entity activity reporting status to ‘required’.
Review Status (Exempt request table)
  • Shows whether CalRecycle has approved or denied a request by a reporting entity activity to be exempt from quarterly reporting. Statuses include ‘approved’, ‘denied’ ‘pending’ and ‘no review required’.
  • CalRecycle has 60 days to respond to a request for exemption per AB 901 regulations. Reporting entity activity requests for exemption that have an approved review status will have the reporting status set to ‘exempt’. A reporting entity activity with a ‘denied’ status for an exemption request will still be required to report. Organization/sites can contact CalRecycle at for more information on why their request was denied. Changing a reporting entity activity reporting status from ‘exempt’ back to ‘required’ does not require a review. Requests to change an exempt status to ‘required’ are effective immediately and will have a review status of ‘no review required’.
Review Status (Request inactive registration status table)
  • Shows whether CalRecycle has approved or denied a reporting entity activity request to change the registration status to inactive. Review statuses include ‘approved, ‘denied’, ‘pending’ and ‘no review required’.
  • CalRecycle has 60 days to respond to a request to change an entities registration status to inactive per AB 901 regulations. Reporting entity activities with an approved request for an inactive registration status will have their registration status set to ‘inactive’. Reporting entities that are denied a request for an inactive registration status will continue to have an ‘active’ registration status and can contact CalRecycle at for more information on why their request was denied. A reporting entity that wishes to change their registration status from ‘inactive’ back to ‘active’ does not require a staff review. Requests to change a registration status to ‘active’ are effective immediately and will have a review status of ‘no review required’.
Signature Authority
  • The contact that an RDRS reporting entity designates as having signature authority to submit a report for a reporting entity activity. AB 901 regulations require reporting entities to designate a signature authority for each reporting entity activity. A signature authority does not have to be the same contact as the primary contact. A primary contact can also serve as a signature authority.
Start Date
  • The date a reporting entity activity was added by an organization/site in RDRS.
  • A unique identification number assigned to a specific facility, site or operation that is required to have a permit to operate per CalRecycle facility regulations. During initial registration, if you facility is permitted with CalRecycle in the Solid Waste Information System (SWIS), please enter the SWIS # for the lead reporting entity activities you are registering in RDRS. If you enter an invalid SWIS #, please delete it. The system will notify you if the SWIS # is invalid and not let you submit a registration with an invalid SWIS #. SWIS # format: 99-xx-9999.
Address and Contact Information
  • If ‘Yes’ indicates that the web pass has been completed for the selected contact. If ‘No’ the webpass has not been created for the contact.
  • Select a city from the dropdown list or enter a city, town or place name for the physical address location of your organization/site.
  • Enter a valid 10 digit telephone number for your organization/site. You may also include the extension. Some valid formats include: (999)9999999,(999)999-9999,999-999-9999, (999)-999-9999ext999, 999-999-9999X999
Postal Code
  • A series of five digits included in a postal address to assist the sorting of mail.
Primary Contact (Organization/Site)
  • The primary contact for an organization/site assigned with updating reporting entity activity information, submitting reports and/or assigning and adding other contacts that the primary contact approves to submit reports. Primary contacts are also responsible for assigning security rights to other users they wish to have access to their reporting entity information, including approval to submit reports. Primary contacts are the main contact CalRecycle will notify related to changes in RDRS or reporting. A primary contact does not have to be the signature authority but a primary contact can serve both roles as a primary contact and a signature authority.
Signature Authority
  • The contact that an RDRS reporting entity designates as having signature authority to submit a report for a reporting entity activity. AB 901 regulations require reporting entities to designate a signature authority for each reporting entity activity. A signature authority does not have to be the same contact as the primary contact. A primary contact can also serve as a signature authority.